My project focuses on the human form and looking at the human body in varying detail. I was inspired by traditional studies of the human body within art and wanted to recreate this in my own way. For this, I used different media and techniques to demonstrate and highlight different aspects of the anatomy.

My project is based on the theme ‘Body Image’. Through this I wanted to highlight individuals’ imperfections. I did this by producing pieces using contrasting materials and experimenting with both the presence and absence of colour. As my work progressed I explored Tondo art and the saying ‘under the microscope’, this lead me to the use of circular areas that create the view down a microscope and combine it with my contrast in media.
My project is based on the concept of how time affects natural decay. My aim was to highlight the contrast between ‘decayed’ and ‘alive’ nature, by using different media. My main focus was to visually portray how decay affects nature, and use ‘modern’ art techniques to emphasise the idea of decomposition.”

My project is focused on portraiture and capturing an individual’s personality. I used graffiti marks as inspiration for layered and expressive backgrounds which acted as a contrast to the neatly drawn images of the faces. I originally started by drawing all ages , but as the project developed , I found myself favouring the elderly and showing them in a youthful manner.

My project focuses on Alcohol and its impact. Through experimentation I was able to produce a range of collage-based pieces that reuse alcohol packaging to provide a base for painting. I kept my paintings small and only used elements of the face, to prevent the viewer from becoming distracted and allowing the collage to still be seen.

My art project is focused on the long term strength and resilience that forms as a result of pressure. Pressure in one’s mind is invisible yet it has undeniable physical and mental effects on a person. Despite being viewed as negative, I thought it was important to address how it makes a person stronger and builds resilience.

My project focuses on different aspects of wildfires. As it explores various stages that occur before, during and after a forest fire. It also looks at the impacts on wildlife and the environment.

My project was initially based around the subject of identity, specifically the concept of the importance of having a distinct identity in the 21st century. Due to my personal experiences with my identity and finding it over the years, my focus on the superficial parts of my identity (i.e. My physical appearance) has often caused me to lose sight of important factors in life such as the internals of my person, such as my interests, passions and opinions.
I believed that to develop this project I needed to use reference images of people in their most confident state, in ways that highlighted their defining superficial features. I intended to convey vanity and obsession with only one aspect of the identity with the abstraction of colour from my earliest work, displaying the subjects as one dimensional, and vain.

My project is about the anatomy of the human body, my work was inspired by artists whose work was based on similar themes. To observe this I looked at a range of skeletons and used books on muscle anatomy.

My project explores the idea of conformity and how minority influence and conditional love leads to misrepresentation of oneself. My art uses female models, as research suggests that women are more likely to be impacted by conformity than men. I wanted to show models as their true selves and I have done this using dramatic tone creating an atmospheric feel and a sinister connotation.