Artsfest Dudley College Artsfest 2023

Dudley College Artsfest 2023

Welcome to Dudley College Artsfest 2023 – a yearly art exhibition featuring work by our talented creative industries students from animation, fine art, fashion and textiles, games design, graphic design, illustration, media, music, performing arts, photography and production arts.

This Artsfest online gallery (originally created out of necessity during the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020/2021) runs alongside the physical Artsfest exhibitions at our Evolve, Inspired, Dudley Sixth and Enhance campuses from the 12th until the 14th June 2023. You can also check out the winning entries in our Film Festival Live Awards Night here.

This showcase of short films, documentaries, music videos, horror trailers and animation was a fantastic event…congratulations to all the winners!

We do hope you can come along to see our exhibitions of artwork by emerging creatives in the Black Country, Birmingham and the wider West Midlands region. However, if you’re unable to join us, we hope this Artsfest website gives you the opportunity to see the incredible work our students have produced over the course of this year.

Along the way, our dedicated tutors provide support and guidance to help our learners unlock their creative vision and realise their ambitions. Once their courses have finished, our students are ready to progress externally or internally onto higher level courses or enter the workplace. We hope you enjoy this virtual exhibition of new art and we hope to see many of you at the physical Artsfest exhibitions beginning on Monday, 12th June 2023.

Simon Muttitt and Sian Taylor, Curriculum Managers for Creative Industries 

Check out our Artsfest 2023 Exhibitions Below: