Author: 0009676

Isabelle Allport: Best Six ImagesIsabelle Allport: Best Six Images


UK Holiday Destinations

This project was created on a trip to Devon. Whilst in Torquay, I wanted to take images that would sell this location. I focused on creating landscape photographs of nature and the scenic environment. I wanted to show these hidden gems the UK has to offer. The grainy aesthetic to the work adds a timeless/vintage feeling complemented with warm, summer tones. The images look as if they were taken in a subtropical climate, further promoting UK holidays as ideal tourist destinations.

Leandra Speed: Artsfest 2021 GalleryLeandra Speed: Artsfest 2021 Gallery


All Distortions Are Intentional

I have always had a passion for documenting emotions through my work. As well as this I also enjoy using photography to explore my interests in fashion. This was something that I wanted to portray in in my final project. I have taken inspiration from the album “all distortions are intentional” by the band Neck Deep, who explore the concept of the word sonder meaning all people have their own complex life paths. 

Take yourself on an immersive experience through my exhibition as you’re surrounded by my work in an eerie atmosphere.

Elise Smith: Best Six ImagesElise Smith: Best Six Images


Men’s Mental Health

For the first time in history, men are more likely to kill themselves than each other. In 2012, about 56 million people died throughout the world. Of those, 120,000 were killed in war, 500,000 in crime. Whereas 800,000 committed suicide, more than all war and crime combined! (Homo Deus, A Brief History of Tomorrow, Yuval Noah Harari, 2016). The title of my FMP is Men’s Mental Health. I aimed to focus on the stigma that is still around, attempting to explore the important issues relating to men being taught to never show emotions because it’s “unmanly”. I hope to raise awareness and encourage a debate around changing this problem but also looking further into the idea of constantly comparing women’s mental health against men’s, with phrases such as “stop crying like a girl”, “you hit like a girl”, “man up” and so many more. This behaviour and conditioning encourages only women and young girls to be able to ‘wear their hearts on their sleeves’, through being taught it’s okay to show emotion and it’s okay to not be okay. Why can’t it be the same for men and young boys growing up? It should be equal. 1 in 4 men are affected by mental health problems or illnesses and male suicides have consistently accounted for approximately three quarters of all suicides. I feel that the media and in particular social media is a very toxic place at the moment and it makes young people of today view themselves and their bodies in a negative way – constantly comparing themselves – which can then go onto create all sorts of mental health problems including anxiety and depression.

Jack Hinton: Artsfest 2021 GalleryJack Hinton: Artsfest 2021 Gallery


We Are The Youth of the Modern Age

The title of my final major project is “we are the youth of the modern age.” In this project I have explored the lifestyles and culture of the youth of 2021. I have done this by photographing people who are of a similar age to me. I have also included my collection of candid images that I have been creating on a disposable camera whilst out with friends over the past two years. For this exhibition I have created a bedroom installation, heavily inspired by the work of Tracey Emin. For this I wanted to recreate the bedroom of a teenager, so I have chose objects that not only compliment my images well but also are things that would be found in mine or a typical teenagers bedroom. Throughout the installation, my images are dotted about on objects such as T-shirts, mouse-mats, posters and mugs.

Maisie Hill: Artsfest 2021 GalleryMaisie Hill: Artsfest 2021 Gallery



My project ‘Divided’ aims to confront notions of mental health disorders specif ically those such as MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) and DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). The mental health disorders are characterised by two or more distinct personalities living with in one body. This disorder is usually diagnosed when people have previously experienced traumas in their life. The disorder is commonly accompanied by memory gaps in which the host doesn’t realise they are living as another persona. When experiencing this it can 

confuse the host. This confusion is what I wanted to communicate in this display. The work that I have created shows a variety of di erent faces that have been collaged to make one unique piece. Even my work is compiled using a variety of di erent subjects. It represents how there is multiple personalities in one body. The aim is to confuse the viewer, which directly relates to how someone who su ers from this disorder may feel. The deadpan style of portraiture creates a photographic identity similar to those used in passports and for driver’s licences.



Watch this video of our students’ work in progress compiled by PGCE tutor, Bailey Nock



Against the odds, our second years have completed a physical and online end of year exhibition. First years and evening class students have showcased their Creative Independent projects and first years have made a video showing their animal conservation project in the Cube Gallery. Despite the impact of lockdown, we have managed to finally finish our Indian Cookbook, working together with Mahatma Gandhi International School and our catering students. 

This year we have still managed to safely collaborate with fashion and textiles, performing arts, production arts and music, including photographing a major Halloween event at the Black Country Living Museum. Four of our students won special upgrade awards and I was delighted to achieve the accolade of National Lecturer of the Year. Our students have again represented the college in the Lessons from Auschwitz programme and James is now an official ambassador for the Holocaust Education Trust.  

In addition, this year we engaged with weekly visiting speakers, including Denise Maxwell, Vanley Burke and Anand Chhabra, as well as Blast festival talks and a special event with the world renowned Martin Parr. We have had online talks from the University of Wolverhampton, Staffordshire University and Hereford College of Arts (who have kindly awarded special ‘One to Watch’ awards to students) Many have had work published, entered competitions and submitted work for exhibition in galleries. Our success in the Flexus Vision competition has resulted in our images being interpreted by dancers at a live event in Wolverhampton in July.   

During lockdown, photography students were tasked with a ‘Daily Photo Challenge’ which was set and developed by PGCE trainee teacher Bailey Nock and coined as ‘Bailey’s Daily’. The best of these are also featured here. Finally, our photography students have raised in excess of a thousand pounds collectively this year, for Birmingham’s Children’s Hospital, WWF, Children in Need, Student Minds and Haven Shelter. 

We hope you enjoy our online exhibition. It’s testimony not only to our students’ determination and resilience during testing times but also the support we receive from our brilliant technicians! Well done and thanks to all!

We are delighted once again this year to have had Hereford College of Art support our learners’ progression into HE via their ‘One To Watch’ initiative. Tutors from their Fine Art, Graphics, Photography and Fashion/Textiles areas have judged entries from our corresponding courses and awarded those learners whose work shows potential for excellence beyond FE. Look out for the banners next to the recipients’ work who will also receive a book for their efforts. This recognition undoubtedly motivates learners to aspire to greater things. 

Phil Brooks, course leader, photography

Watch This Video Exhibition of BTEC L3 Ext Diploma Yr2 Students’ Work at Dudley College Evolve Campus

BTEC L3 Ext Diploma Yr 1

BTEC L3 Ext Diploma Yr 2

Level 4 Evening Class

Level 2 Creative Media