Author: 0009676

GCE Product DesignGCE Product Design


Congratulations to all of the 8 students in GCE Product Design this year for being a brilliant group and keeping motivated throughout lockdown. Myself and Richard have enjoyed teaching, supporting and spending time with you over the last two years.  You have taken the timetable changes in your stride and made the most of online learning sessions. All of the students have produced a wide range of creative and innovative design solutions to user-centred problems working with real life clients. I want to give special thanks to Darren Roberts and his talented welding students for technical assistance with 2 of the projects. Also big thanks to Horace Dennis and Simon Morris for feedback on the design concept for an extension to Dudley Sixth. We wish all of you the best at university and in your chosen careers.

Adrian Eynon, GCE Product Design Tutor

Amman Ahmed

Outdoor Educational Space

Amman decided to look at how he could design an outdoor educational space as an extension to Dudley Sixth Form that could be used as a multi-purpose environment for education and relaxation. He carried out thorough investigation and gained useful advice from Horace and other members of Sixth form staff to guide his thoughts. 

The architectural concept was designed for a specific site by the side of Priory Villa in front of the Sixth Form block. The prototype model was built to 1:100th scale using a range of relevant materials to represent the actual building. This is an outstanding project and Amman has worked exceptionally well to create very high standard CWK and finished prototype model. Well done! 

Joshua Rollinson-Dainty

Security Rucksack to Deter Theft

Joshua identified a need to improve the design of ruck-sacks as there is a high level of theft suggesting that current designs are not designed with security in mind. He investigated existing products, carried out tests which led to design sketches and small scale model-making. He made some excellent small scale detailed models and a 1: 5 final prototype from foam board.

What is impressive is that Joshua decided to make the full-size version from similar materials as may be used in a commercial version. He worked carefully to produce detailed moulds to vacuum form for the sides. The completed model reflects his high level of attention to detail and the end product is excellent. Well done!

Oliver Gilkes

Micro-Space for Urban Living

Olivedecided to investigate modern solutions to urban living. He researched into the area and saw how the cost of living had increased and there is a trend to live in smaller spaces. This led him to look at designing this efficient and stylish interior. The aesthetic style is based on minimalist and modernist design and architecture influenced by Japanese interiors. 

His brother, a University student acted as the user/client for feedback for evaluation. Oliver worked on a 1:10 scale to produce a realistic model using relevant materials and processes. Many of the components were laser-cut and other parts were made by hand with great skill. The final model is of a very high standard and combined with the CAD modelling represent an outstanding project. Well done!

Alex Harris

Micro-sleep Devices and Detection System

Alex has tackled the serious issue of Micro-sleep. This is when drivers can drift off, become unconscious behind the wheel, potentially resulting in serious or sometimes fatal accidents. He identified this design problem in a 1st year project and decided to extend it into a much more detailed investigation.

This year he created two devices including a smart wristwatch and a dashboard mounted camera-sensorwhich he has modelled full scale and also made a carry bag to contain these as a finished product. During the research Alex realised he also wanted to make the products more customisable and based his designs on the style of Memphis with bright colours and patterns. This is a good project which has tried to tackle a serious challenge, creating aesthetically pleasing products. Well done!

Abi Holl

Bakery Storage and Display Stand

Abi is a keen amateur baker who runs her own successful cake making business. She identified a need to design an improved bakery storage unit for equipment and also included a display stand for her decorated cakes.

She has created a design that combines form and function based on the shape of the stylised petals of a flower. The storage unit holds equipment effectively and is also a very aesthetically pleasing focal point for a kitchen or market stand.

This is an outstanding project both in CWK and the standard of the end product and should be well used by Abi in years to come. Well done!

Owen Robertson

Multi-Sensory Rainbow Arch

Owen originally intended to design this for the Birmingham Children Hospital, but die to COVID restrictions was unable to gain feedback, Instead we contacted Aspire Dudley and gained useful feedback from staff. Once it is safe we will be giving the finished multi-sensory Rainbow Arch to a hospital.

The product has been made full-size and is fully functioning. It is fabricated from steel and was assisted by staff and students at Advance 2. Many thanks to you!  This project is an excellent result considering the challenge of designing without the necessary client feedback. Owen has stayed motivated and completed a very good CWK project with a good final prototype. Well done!

Nuria Rowley

Over-Bed Desk for Bed-ridden Client

Nuria designed her over-bed desk for her own grand-father as she had seen design faults in the existing product they owned. In simple terms the existing desk was ugly, over-engineered and not fit for purpose.

Throughout the project she gained good client research and has created innovative designs leading to an aesthetically pleasing product. Without much modification this could be sold commercially and is an outstanding working prototype. Well done!

Many thanks to the staff and students in Advance 2 who assisted with production.

Caitlin Siviter

Post-COVID Desk for Home-working

Caitlin recognised that over lockdown it was quite difficult to find space to work from home and saw the opportunity to design a compact multi-use work desk for a home-working office. This is an exception piece of design work both in CWK and the end practical project. She carried out detailed initial research with a real client, which led to outstanding design sketches and development.

The final model is made full-size and fully-functioning including a laser-cut storage system and a vacuum formed tray insert for equipment. What has impressed most is that Caitlin has worked for the main independently with minimum support. Well done! 

A-Level Photography 2022A-Level Photography 2022


A-Level Photography allows learners the opportunity to express themselves creatively while exploring ideas and concepts that are personal and meaningful. This is clearly demonstrated across the wonderful work created by this years A-Level cohort. I could not be prouder of the work and achievements made by each member of the Photography group.

Learners often choose issues within society as a means to connect their Photography to an audience. The course consistently challenges them to problem solve and improve both quality and concept as they progress. This ultimately prepares them for both industry and Higher Education.

Industry-standard software and equipment are embedded throughout the course to again support progression, exploring the Creative Cloud Adobe Suite with programs such as Photoshop and Lightroom for image editing, along with InDesign to create their stunning portfolios and project work. To allow for a deeper understanding of photography, learners are encouraged to work with both modern and traditional techniques such as darkroom and Cyanotypes. This 2-year programme builds theoretical and practical knowledge to allow our learners the creative means to express themselves through Photography.

I hope you enjoy exploring the work from this year’s Photography learners.

Simon Morris, A-Level Photography Tutor, Dudley Sixth

A-Level Graphic Communication 2022A-Level Graphic Communication 2022


The role of a graphic designer is incredibly varied. You may find yourself immersed in a fantasy world while designing a set of illustrations for a book, or exploring complex data to create exciting and vibrant infographics that inform rather than confuse. 

Graphic communication students at Dudley Sixth are introduced to a wide selection of processes and techniques. Using a range of both traditional and digital methods, they are encouraged to move beyond their comfort zones to produce  a variety of work supported by an understanding of design theory and a developing awareness of contemporary practitioners to inform and influence their ideas. 

In their second year, students begin to develop their own visual identity while becoming increasingly self-directed and independent, producing a collection of work tailored to their interests and specialisms. This could be an advertising campaign, design work for a clothing website or a set of illustrations for an album sleeve or book. Throughout the year, students will be encouraged to try new approaches and consolidate the skills they have learned in their first year to produce strong, challenging and professionally-produced designs. I believe you will see all of these qualities in this year’s second year work. I hope you enjoy it. 

Chris Worley, A-Level Graphics Tutor, Dudley Sixth 

A-Level Fine Art 2022A-Level Fine Art 2022


In a usual year, A-Level fine art students would have the opportunity to complete two projects over the duration of year two – one self-set, the other selected from externally-set topics released by the exam board and whose final outcome would be produced during an exam. These would normally form a 60/40 split.

This year, the students have been completing one project for the whole year. The pieces of work you see here are the results of a very difficult year, both academically and generally. The results are a real testament to my students’ resilience, willingness to engage with online learning and the sheer determination of every single one of them. They should be extremely proud of their achievements – as am I – and I wish them all the luck for the future.

Gillian Worley, A-Level Fine Art Tutor, Dudley Sixth

British Art Show 9 Wolverhampton

Kiah Anighoro-Knight

Kiera Ryder-Richardson

Production Arts 2022Production Arts 2022


In what has been a challenging two years, this Production Arts group have managed to produce high quality work. Ranging from creating a portfolio of disgustingly real special effects make-up, to designing make-up looks for dancers and actors. They have created costumes for a plethora of productions, often with very tight deadlines!!! Alongside costume and make-up, they have created props for live productions and for film and have helped run and organise the shows. When working from home they were able to create their own SFX materials such as home-made scar wax and fake blood!!! Overcoming obstacles and creating fine work is how this cohort shall be remembered.

Luke Orchard and Jo Davis, production arts tutors

Watch this Showcase of Work by Dudley College Production Arts Students









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Watch This Video of This Year’s Artsfest Photography Exhibition

Against the odds, our second years have completed a physical and online end of year exhibition, as well as a yearbook publication;  first years and evening class students have showcased their Creative Independent projects here online. In addition, first years are showcasing their animal conservation project online. This marks our 10 year collaborative relationship with Dudley Zoo; for whom second years have created a publication, to be sold in their gift shop.

Our students have again represented the college in the Lessons from Auschwitz programme and Dudley Holocaust Memorial day. In addition, this year we have engaged in a collaborative project about family with Professor Gill Pasternak and Anand Chhabra. We have had attended workshops with the University of Wolverhampton, Coventry University, Staffordshire University and Hereford College of Arts, who have again kindly awarded special ‘One to Watch’ awards to final year students. Look out for the banners next to the recipients’ work.

Many have had work published in the Rotary Club Calendar and we have had students win Dudley Photographer of the year. One of our evening class students was awarded Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society and currently has a solo exhibition at The Dudley Archives. Another has been selected to exhibit her work at The New Art Gallery, Walsall. One of our students is college mental health ambassador, and another is a marketing ambassador. Some second years have even worked with a local butcher, making images for his website. Some first years have been working on an app for students with profound and multiple learning difficulties, to be used by local schools.

We are soon to travel to Iceland for the mid-night sun. Photography students are currently in the process of raising money for Refugee Action. This year we have been supported brilliantly by PGCE trainee teacher Milan Callaghan. We hope you enjoy our exhibition. It’s testimony not only to our students’ determination and resilience during testing times but also to the expertise and support we receive from our brilliant teaching team and technicians! Well done and thanks to all!

Phil Brooks, course leader, photography

Watch this Video Diary of Dudley College Photography Students on Their Trip to Ilam, Derbyshire in 2022

BTEC L3 Ext Diploma Yr 1

BTEC L3 Ext Diploma Yr 2

Level 4 Evening Class

Journey of Success: Artsfest 2022 Journey of Success: Artsfest 2022


Each year, we carefully select students from our courses to receive a ‘Journey of Success’ award for their outstanding achievements during their time with us. Here are their stories…

Watch our Students’ Journey of Success Here

The Andy Perks, Curriculum Managers’ and Assistant Principal Award Winners 2022

Also included in this video are several other awards given to outstanding students: The Andy Perks Award, The Curriculum Managers’ Award and the Assistant Principal Award. You can read more about these and see this year’s winners below:

The Andy Perks Award

Andy worked for Dudley College for over 30 years and was an integral part of the Art and Design department. He is passionate about learners , especially those who have worked hard to overcome challenges. After dedicating so much of this life to art and education, Andy is now enjoying his retirement working in his studio creating beautiful sculptures. This award is to honor the dedication that Andy has shown over 30 years at Dudley College. 

And the Winner of The Andy Perks Award 2022 is…

Elliot Kirkham

The Curriculum Managers’ Award

And the Winners of Curriculum Managers’ Awards 2022 are…

Brad Colley & Lauren Nicholson

The Assistant Principal Award

And the Winner of The Assistant Principal Award 2022 is…

Ellie Avison

BTEC Extended Diploma in Graphic Design 2022BTEC Extended Diploma in Graphic Design 2022


The work on show here is just a snapshot of some of the work produced over the past two years. While our students are taught digital skills, they also learn traditional art and design skills in order to develop a broad portfolio of art and design for their progression onto higher education.

Some of our recent students have gone on to study at degree level in subject areas such as visual communication or graphic design, but also illustration, animation, fashion illustration, automotive design, architecture, interior architecture, jewellery design, digital media, and many other creative pathways.

Over the past few months all our students who made university applications were accepted (as usual), and generally on their first choice. Some have chosen to begin their studies at degree level, and others have decided to stay on at Dudley College for a Foundation Year. Well done all – it’s been great working with you. Good luck for the future. 

Paul Oldnall, graphics tutor

Seamus Bayne

Progression: University of Chester, BA Graphic Design & Photography

Poverty Britain is an attempt to highlight the everyday examples of poverty and despair in modern Britain. Homeless people now litter the streets alongside overflowing bins; once thriving high streets now feature many derelict buildings and vandalised storefronts.

Maxim Diacov

Progression: Dudley College of Technology, Foundation Diploma

Sensation is a rave brand inspired by the 90s with a modern twist. My project includes a printed magazine which includes posters, mockups and clothing, as well as explanations about the processes used to make each design.

Leah Hamilton

Progression: Dudley College of Technology, Foundation Diploma

My FMP is a fashion and photography magazine called low-profile. It is a 7 page magazine that consists of different photography and editing techniques.

Gio Khroad

Progression: Dudley College of Technology, Foundation Diploma

My FMP is an architectural photobook. I made it to show how towns in the Black Country and the UK as a whole, generally look the same!

Miroslav Kosik

Progression: Dudley College of Technology, Foundation Diploma

My FMP is about taking old clothes and materials and re-purposing them. The process is called Upcycling – using other fashion artists and their methods as inspiration

Alexander Jones

Progression: Aston University, BSc Transport Management

My project is based on the continuously growing problem of homelessness in the UK, and consists of a series of concepts on perspective, to make the viewer think more about what they chose to see, and choose to ignore.

Aimee McKnight – Reaper’s Game

Progression: University of Wolverhampton, BA Animation

“Reapers Game” is my original comic that I’m currently working on in my spare time. For my FMP, I decided to create an animation based on this.

Bryony Nock

Progression: Dudley College of Technology, Foundation Diploma

“Cheer up” is a project that spreads awareness of Anxiety and the effect it has on victims through cute and wonderful dolls.  Meet the dolls of Trauma, Diet, and Serotonin.

Tiegan Pearce

Progression: Dudley College of Technology, Foundation Diploma

My FMP is to create awareness of animal species that are likely to become extinct in the near future. I became interested in this subject after recent visits to Dudley Zoo as part of my Graphic Design course.

Amberley Poulton

Progression: Dudley College of Technology, Foundation Diploma

My Final Major Project is about creating sustainable wearable items. I chose to create my own trainer and hoodie design fully made out of repurposed materials.

Lani Raybould

Progression: Birmingham City University, BA Graphic Communication

The four Tarot cards designs on show have been created by combining traditional art and design techniques with digital methodologies.

Jake Smith

Progression: Employment or Further Education

My FMP’s main focus is to educate people about more sustainable alternatives in the form of a coffee brand.

Sam Smith

Progression: Bournemouth University

For my project ‘The Metro’ I wanted to highlight through my work the community of Dudley, providing an essence of our town, both old and new.
I was keen to show different techniques that I have accrued at Dudley College within my work, but still push myself to try new things.
I was particularly interested in the Midland Metro line that will soon shape Dudley’s future, whilst still using my work to look at Dudley’s rich history and its wonderful people.

Brooke Totney

Progression: Birmingham City University, BA Graphic Communication

My FMP was based around swimming, as I am a British Championship swimmer.  The hoodie was designed to keep swimmers’ muscles and body warm as it is vital to stay warm when racing.  The materials used to make the hoodie dry quickly and use water resistant materials.

Liam Warden

Progression: Birmingham City University, BA Graphic Communication

My FMP is based on of my skateboarding brand called ‘Rare Life’.  My brand philosophy is to live a life so different from anyone else’s that it is seen as ‘Rare’.