Author: 0009676

BTEC L3 Ext Diploma Yr 1 Best Six Images 2022BTEC L3 Ext Diploma Yr 1 Best Six Images 2022


Cassidy Woodrow Best Six ImagesCassidy Woodrow Best Six Images


For my Creative Independent Project, I didn’t necessarily stick to a universal theme for all my images. I like to add a lot of hidden meanings into my work, and I felt this project was the perfect opportunity to do so.  

The general idea I had for my project was to recreate album or song covers, but I would recreate ones that meant something to me more than others. Not only this, I chose albums/songs that had deeper meanings to them, and ones that the listener probably wouldn’t notice until doing research. These meanings would include mental illnesses, sexism, misogyny, abuse, and many more.  

Four of the covers are ones that I would need a model for, so I decided to self-model for all of these. This is a way of me battling my doubts with how I look in photos and trying to build my confidence.  

The replicas I would try to create as close to the original as possible. I tested out lighting with coloured gels on LED lights to ensure I got the correct colour backgrounds. I looked at the clothes the models were wearing and would try and wear clothes as close as possible, even looking at the type of shoes that had been worn in the original covers. 

I chose to do all the work on this project myself, including all the camera work & editing. This was a way of testing myself and seeing how my work can turn out without being helped by tutors or classmates. 

Jordy Webb Best Six ImagesJordy Webb Best Six Images


I have selected a theme for the Benevolent Fund because I wanted to persuade more people to raise money for the charity for the injured riders over the past and present years. The genre I utilised were a mixture of my own action speedway photographs and still-life combined with my photoshop techniques to create manipulated images.

I intend to donate a selection of images to the Benevolent Fund. I made a black and white poster to inform people to come to a meeting during the Speedway season and raise money for the fund during the 10 minute interval. I used fast shutter speed, panning and split focus techniques. I have been taking still-life photographs of the model bikes and my caps to raise additional funds for the charity. I have been inspired by still life photographers Ed Fury and Edward Weston.

Weston’s body of work on Peppers, that explored shape and form, have inspired me to experiment with monochromatic visuals, for the charity. The final selection of images I am exhibiting are the best of my still life and action photographs that I took at the speedway event. One action photograph will be presented in the form of a poster for the exhibition. 

Olivia Rhoden Best Six ImagesOlivia Rhoden Best Six Images


Take Pride in Nature

For my creative independence project, I’m focusing on the beauty within nature. I chose this as my final project because I believe the beauty and appreciation towards nature has diminished. I don’t feel like people appreciate nature anymore and don’t exactly realise that nature is a positive and life enhancing. People brush off nature and don’t realise how lucky we are for it; not many people really discuss how significant nature is and the beauty within it.

Nature is rarely talked about in our towns and cities and deserves more appreciation. I also feel that people, rather than enjoying nature, decide to disrespect it and are contributing towards destroying the earth and not helping the environment, become a better place for us all to live. Not only that but we’re harming animals’ habitats by not taking care of the natural environment’s we live in.

So, my aim behind this project is to make people more aware and realise the genuine beauty in nature. To try to come together as a community and re- appreciate the world that we live in, rather than constantly destroying it. Taking pride in nature, the natural environment, and the animals would promote more mutual respect towards ourselves and the green spaces around us.

My main inspiration in terms of nature were from the naturalist, broadcaster and activist David Attenborough. His relentless pursuit of raising awareness of our natural world helps us all to reconsider our choices. I’m going to achieve all this by taking a camera out a possible tripod, setting up and correcting each different settings and getting good shots, also changing my location on where to shoot to get different kinds of images.