Against the odds, our second years have completed a physical and online end of year exhibition, as well as a yearbook publication; first years and evening class students have showcased their Creative Independent projects here online. In addition, first years are showcasing their animal conservation project online. This marks our 10 year collaborative relationship with Dudley Zoo; for whom second years have created a publication, to be sold in their gift shop.
Our students have again represented the college in the Lessons from Auschwitz programme and Dudley Holocaust Memorial day. In addition, this year we have engaged in a collaborative project about family with Professor Gill Pasternak and Anand Chhabra. We have had attended workshops with the University of Wolverhampton, Coventry University, Staffordshire University and Hereford College of Arts, who have again kindly awarded special ‘One to Watch’ awards to final year students. Look out for the banners next to the recipients’ work.
Many have had work published in the Rotary Club Calendar and we have had students win Dudley Photographer of the year. One of our evening class students was awarded Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society and currently has a solo exhibition at The Dudley Archives. Another has been selected to exhibit her work at The New Art Gallery, Walsall. One of our students is college mental health ambassador, and another is a marketing ambassador. Some second years have even worked with a local butcher, making images for his website. Some first years have been working on an app for students with profound and multiple learning difficulties, to be used by local schools.
We are soon to travel to Iceland for the mid-night sun. Photography students are currently in the process of raising money for Refugee Action. This year we have been supported brilliantly by PGCE trainee teacher Milan Callaghan. We hope you enjoy our exhibition. It’s testimony not only to our students’ determination and resilience during testing times but also to the expertise and support we receive from our brilliant teaching team and technicians! Well done and thanks to all!
Phil Brooks, course leader, photography

BTEC L3 Ext Diploma Yr 1

BTEC L3 Ext Diploma Yr 2