Kynite coffins
Kynite coffins is a project consisting of a variety of graphics for a start-up coffin company based in the UK which will be focusing on coffins made specifically for pets. I will be designing the coffin which will include looking at the shape, size, colour and design of the coffin and ensuring that it is suitable for a variety of pets. This is coupled with a well recognisable logo along with a website which can be used to purchase the products or provide further detailed information about it
This will be sold nationally and is intended to be released by May 2022 and came about due to there being a gap in the market for pet coffins as they are usually buried directly in ground. In addition to this, deaths of pets and loved ones are mostly viewed as a negative moment of life however, I want to be able to turn this into something positive by creating a sense of comfort and warmth trough the design/colours in order to allow customers to send off their pet in a memorable way. With the target audience being pet owners, which can include almost anyone, throughout this the products are not limited to a specific gender or age.