Witches Can’t Be Burned
Year 1 Acting & Level 2 Performing Arts
Witches Can’t Be Burned was entered into the NT Connection drama awards and won! The recognition of our work is a fabulous reward to all involved and we are incredibly excited about working with The National to show our work at its very best. Here are some snippets of our show recently performed as a live broadcast.
It’s difficult to express how brilliant NT Connections is. It has become a fundamental part of my students’ educational experience. They learn and grow so much through this process that goes beyond their college and their course. Participation in Connections gives them a taste of what it means to work in this industry – the mind-set and dedication required to produce work of the highest standard possible.
Andrew Wilson – Group Leader
Connections is a really great opportunity that I’m really grateful to be a part of. We have all thrown ourselves into this and it really helps people come together and work together to create something we’re all proud of. The chance were given is amazing and I hope connections can be something that continues for other young people to experience
Vickie Davies-Turley – Student