My Photography Journey
I came into this course with minimal studio photography experience, and I am leaving it with more confidence and knowledge, this was helped and influenced a lot by the other students on the course. My photos I have chosen are not following a theme, I chose these because they are the ones that stand out to me when looking back on what I have achieved during this course. Each week we were suggested a word that we would need to put into picture, a word which would make me question my abilities, but each time I would surprise myself when it came to submitting these photos.
The image of the letters and the book are examples of these, the book I love because it’s taking an everyday object and turning it into something unique and pleasing to the eye, which is something I already enjoyed doing with my photos. The portraits were something I was more hesitant about because I had little experience in this area, and it has been a big learning curve that I wouldn’t change, I did not know that we were going to be photographing ‘Candy’ the drag queen artist until I walked into class that day, but I really enjoyed this experience and Candy was a fantastic model.
The baby photographs, I had limited equipment, but I still managed show how peaceful the little baby was. The final picture of the ‘little balls of light’ are an example of texture lighting, this is by far one of my favourite photographs I have taken throughout the course. I love the warmth it gets across and the split focus fading into the background, which leads the eye throughout. I have enjoyed every frustrating and challenging minute; I have laughed and could of cried but I am pleased and proud that I have come this far and would just like to thank the tutors for putting up with me and seeing me through to the end.