The British Art Show is a landmark touring exhibition that celebrates the vitality of recent art made in Britain. Organised every five years by Hayward Gallery Touring the exhibition brings the work of artists defining new directions in contemporary art to four cities across the UK.
British Art Show 9 was developed at a precarious moment in Britain’s history that has brought politics of identity and nation, concerns of social, racial and environmental justice, and questions of agency to the centre of public consciousness. The artists presented in the exhibition respond in critical ways to this complex context; imagining more hopeful futures and exploring new modes of resistance.
BAS9 is curated by Irene Aristizábal and Hammad Nasar, and presented in collaboration with the cities of Aberdeen, Wolverhampton, Manchester and Plymouth.
We applied to work with an artist as part of the British artshow 9 opportunities available to local schools and colleges. We were one of 5 that worked with the multimedia artist Sophie Huckfield. Our brief was to create a story around the word ‘work’. The students investigated the word and what it meant to them. There were discussions on paid work, volunteer work and work that we do for a family member because we care. From this the students created the ‘tree of care’
The video was shown as part of the touring exhibition of British Artshow 9 and was on display between Wolverhampton Art Gallery and the University of Wolverhampton between January and April.
Gillian Worley, A-Level Fine Art Tutor, Dudley Sixth