Bubble and Squeak go Travelling (Children’s Book Project)
The aim for this story is to encourage children to learn about embracing and learning about other cultures and countries. This story focuses on the introduction of the kittens to European cities. This particularly allows for the fact that many children haven’t been able to travel at all over the past few years and may be understandably apprehensive at the prospect of going somewhere new. I wanted to create a book that was gently reassuring, educational and above all else, fun to read.
The concept behind the story is from the inspiration of my own kittens, when we first rescued, they were very shy and the only thing that brought them out of their shell was a ribbon. They played with the ribbon as it was comforting for them. This is where the main idea for the story stemmed from and plan to use these ideas throughout my work.
The specific places features in the book were epitomised by iconic landmarks, that are real, that are recognisable. I wanted to create a series of illustrations that tell a story of the kittens on and adventure, these illustrations are collaborated within a book and justified with simple text.